イラン中央部に位置し、17世紀サファヴィー朝の首都であったイスファハーンではアッバース一世の庇護のもと、多くの様々な芸術が栄えました。貴金属細工、書、ミニアチュールなどの手工芸品、荘厳なタイルで装飾されたモスクなどのイスラム建築は、今も多くの観光客を魅了しています。 イスファハーンは殊にペルシャ絨毯の産地として有名です。宮廷工房では粋を極めた絨毯が製作されました。ペルシャ絨毯の文様の中でも特に有名なシャーアッバーシー文様は、この時代に完成されたと言われ、アッバース王の名に因んでいるといわれています。 18世紀以降は衰退し、経済・産業の本格的な立て直しは19世紀ガジャール朝時代を経て、20世紀のパフラヴィー王朝の時代になります。 20世紀には(ハギーギー、セイラフィアン、ヘクマトネジャードなど)有名作家によるペルシャ絨毯工房が隆盛し、近代・現代にペルシャ絨毯の産地としてその名を馳せています。
Located in central Iran, Isfahan, which was the capital of the Safavid Empire in the 17th century, flourished under the patronage of Shah Abbas I, becoming a center for a variety of arts. Handicrafts such as metalwork, calligraphy, and miniatures, as well as Islamic architecture featuring mosques adorned with majestic tiles, continue to captivate many tourists today. Isfahan is particularly famous as a center of Persian carpet production. In the royal workshops, exquisitely crafted carpets were made. Among the many patterns in Persian carpets, the Shah Abbas pattern, said to have been completed during this era and named after Shah Abbas, is especially famous. After the 18th century, there was a decline, and a full economic and industrial recovery took place in the 19th century under the Qajar dynasty, reaching its peak during the 20th century under the Pahlavi dynasty. In the 20th century, Persian carpet workshops flourished, with famous makers like Haghighi, Seirafian, and Hekmatnejad, making Isfahan renowned as a major producer of Persian carpets in modern and contemporary times.
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アンティークAntique Rugs
Antique rugs are the hand knotted rugs that created more than 100 years ago. The beauty of natural colors and texture of hand spun wool is simply art of time. Our Antique collection is from late 19th century to early 20th century. From classic carpets of Isfahan, Mashad, Kerman, Tabriz, Kashan to semi-classic and tribal rugs from Caucasus, Kurdistan and Fars.
パイル織 / No.1398-3
64 × 46 cm
キリム額装 / No.12114
58 × 99 cm
パイル織 / No.10003
125 × 88 cm
パイル織 / No.11022
146 × 134 cm
パイル織 / No.50045
184 × 125 cm
パイル織 / No.50035
195 × 127 cm
パイル織 / No.13029
194 × 148 cm
パイル織 / No.4105
187 × 160 cm
パイル織 / No.1258
218 × 146 cm
パイル織 / No.1256
232 × 145 cm
パイル織 / No.KB001
250 × 167 cm
パイル織 / No.9100
287 × 203 cm
パイル織 / No.11031
310 × 202 cm
パイル織 / No.AM-1202
318 × 195 cm
パイル織 / No.50080
399 × 135 cm
パイル織 / No.PA-0913
392 × 293 cm
パイル織 / No.PA-0914
500 × 238 cm